Monday, July 12, 2010

Sweet Little Finley

I have a beautiful daughter! Finley Elizabeth Fitzgerald was welcomed into our family on June 1st 2010 at 2:57pm. She was able to "cook" for another 2 weeks and made it to the 36 week mark exactly. It all started that Tuesday right after I decided to start Kellen's baby book (Yah, yah, I know....He's almost 2 and a half and I still don't have a photo baby book made for him....guess this Blog kinda counts, right?).

I started feeling mild contractions a little before 11am, but didn't think anything of it because this has been the norm since I was put on strict bedrest. I got in the shower, which usually puts the contractions to rest, and laid back down on the bed and decided to chart them. An hour later Colin stopped by to see how I was doing before heading to lunch with some coworkers and then to a meeting in NE Portland. He noticed my contraction chart and started to worry telling me I should call my doctor. I, of course, still thought nothing of this and told him "I'm fine. These contractions will probably go away like they have been, now go to lunch with your friends and I'll call you if I need to." Colin reluctantly drove away and a few seconds later I see him pull up into the driveway. A little voice told him to stay put with me and so he decided to come back. I again told him I'm fine and that he really needs to go. So, again, he drove off only to pull back into the driveway seconds later. He claimed that the restaurant was "closed" and was adamant about not going. Yah right honey, I can read right through you, but I decided his company wasn't such a bad thing and gave in. The contractions wouldn't go away so I did call my doctor and since I had an appointment at 3:20pm that day, they bumped it up to 1:20pm and told me if I thought I was in actual labor to just go to Labor and Delivery. Colin and I jump into the Tahoe around 12:30pm and threw our suitcase of packed goods in the trunk just in case. That 20 minute drive felt like 20 hours. My contractions hit me like a ton of bricks and 5 minutes into the drive I tell Colin "Don't think we're going to make it to my appointment. Head to Labor & Delivery"! Sure enough I was in true labor. I arrived being 5cm dilated and lil' miss Finley was in perfect position to arrive. They transferred me to the labor and delivery room right after I was admitted, epidural GODDESS showing up soon after, and literally an hour and a half later I was pushing. Two pushes (yes, that is not a typo), TWO PUSHES later and my gorgeous daughter was born! I remember saying "It's a girl, right?" Ah yes, not just a girl, the most beautiful baby girl I have ever seen. She has these dainty features and truly looks like a little angel. Such a pretty lil' thing. I know I'm bias, but seriously, look at her...she's gorgeous! She has that darker skin from my side of the family (YAY!), Colin's lips (Double YAY!), and my toes (so sorry, Fin!). I'm just hoping she ends up having stunning eyelashes just like her big brother. Even though Finley was 4 weeks early, she was 6 lbs. 5 ounces, which is a pretty good size for a preemie. So to calculate it all, my labor was only 2 and a half hours and I owe my husband a HUGE thank you for listening to that little voice and not his wife. :-) I would've given birth at home if it weren't for Colin ignoring my stubbornness.

Sweet lil' Finley. Such a petite, pretty thing. I honestly get lost in her big blue-grey (as of now) eyes. She has such a gentle and sweet soul. An AMAZING baby thus far. She can grunt like no other and the way she follows my voice with her head melts my heart. Her big brother loves her dearly and even though he is still working on the being gentle piece, he can't get enough of her and is constantly wondering what she's doing and where she is. "I wanna see her!" are Kellen's famous words. When I picked up Kellen from daycare one day with Finley in tow, Reyna, our daycare provider says to me "What a sweetheart, can we keep her?" Kellen instantly says in a stern voice "NO! You can't take her! She's mines!" So sweet and such a good bodyguard! I just hope that carries on for a long time!

I never thought it was possible to love someone as much as I love Kellen. This little boy of mine stole my heart 2 and a half years ago and I was worried I didn't have room in my heart for anyone else. Boy was I wrong! The instant I saw Finley's pretty little face, I was smitten. This is what being a mother is all about. Having an overwhelming, unconditional love for two human beings is a feeling only other mothers and fathers could understand. Makes me wonder why some people choose not to have children. My heart is now warmly full and I have two adorable children to thank for it. ;-)

Monday, May 24, 2010

One Determined Daughter!

Life is definitely full of unexpected twists and turns. Looks like our lil' bambina wants to make an entrance into the world sooner than later...

Last weekend I was experiencing mild contractions and didn't really think anything of it. Thought it was just Braxton Hicks since I was only 34 weeks along. Well, the contractions didn't ease up and by Tuesday I just felt that something was not quite right so I called my doctor and they told me to go to the hospital to get checked out just in case. With Colin and Kellen in tow, we were not prepared for the news that was about to unfold. I was almost 4 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Talk about so many raw emotions going through my body all at once. I couldn't help but to break down in tears. I was admitted right after that and given medication to try and subside the contractions/labor. I responded well to the meds, thank GOD, but she was still determined to enter the world. I was still 3-4 cm dilated the next morning, but 100% effaced. Not good. She was very low. Since my contractions subsided and the dilation did not progress, they decided to discharge me Wednesday afternoon. I have been ordered to be on strict bedrest and continue the medication until she arrives. I'm praying with all my heart I can keep this peanut cookin' for at least another two weeks. Guess this means I'm going to have one heck of a strong-headed daughter. As long as she's strong and healthy, I don't mind one bit. ;-)

Happy 2nd Birthday, Kellen!

With Kellen's new fire truck obsession it was only fitting to make his 2nd birthday a Fire Truck theme. We invited close friends and immediate family to the event (thanks to our way too small house) and it was a success! The Hillsboro Fire Department came to surprise Kellen a little after the party started in their Fire Truck. I'm not sure who was more excited, the birthday boy or the moms at the party! HA! Needless to say, I had a two year old who was utterly speechless at the ooooing and awwwing of the fire truck and the fire fighters. They even agreed to depart emergency style which caused all the neighbors to rush outside to see what the chaos was. It was a fantastic 2nd birthday and one I know our lil' monkey will never forget! :-)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

IT'S A...

GIRL!!!! "Bring on the pigtails and tutus" is the phrase we used to break the news to our family and friends. We are thrilled that Kellen is going to have a baby sister!! The tears of joy and excitement were flowing when we found out. What a blessing to be able to have one of each gender! I will never have to wonder what it would be like to have a son or a daughter. I get both! Yippee!! Now let the name search begin....

Holiday Fun with the Fitzgeralds

This Christmas Holiday was such an exciting one. I can't believe how much Kellen go into it this year! It is incredible how much he has matured and grown in just one year. Last year he could've cared less about the Christmas tree, presents, Santa Claus, etc., but this year, watching him take it all in was like reliving our childhood all over again. His fascination for Santa Claus grew rapidly once he realized that Santa was the one who brought him new toys on Christmas Day. Kellen kept saying "Santa Claus, bring me toys!". Quite adorable, if you ask me. :) When we met Santa, Kellen was in awe. His big brown eyes were just fixated on him and he kept mumbling "Santa Claus, bring me toys." and "Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas". When it was time for our Kodak moment with Kellen sitting on Santa's lap, he was not having it. So...mommy had to sit on Santa's lap with Kellen sitting on mommy's lap. We couldn't get Kellen to look at the camera because he just wouldn't stop staring at Santa! Such a classic photo!

Our traditional annual neighborhood Sleigh Ride was cancelled this year due to the chance of freezing rain and snow. Even though the forecast was grim, we decided to have some family and friends over anyway for some good eats and drinks. Kellen loved having all his buddies over. Bella, Hannah, Ethan, Reese, Myle, Mattea...they had a great time playing together and checking out all the Christmas lights Colin and our neighbors put up. The Christmas lights this year were a big success! Colin made an enormous "Lake Fitz" in the middle of the yard and filled it with all kinds of animals. Needless to say, Kellen wanted to be outdoors EVERY night. He really enjoyed helping Colin or I turn on all the Christmas lights on our house and really looked forward to the blow-up penguin "waking up!". It'll be so fun to see Kellen helping out his daddy next year when the light season comes around again.

Christmas Day was such a wonderful experience. Santa brought Kellen a work bench and tools (that grandma and grandpa Fitz help coordinate), a Thomas the Engine hut and tunnel, and a toddler vacuum just like mommy's. When Kellen came into the living room to see all his new toys, he didn't know what to play with first. The excitement and happiness that appeared on his face warmed my heart. We are so fortunate to provide Kellen with such fun things.

SNOW!! It snowed again this year and Kellen LOVED it! Thank goodness we had a snowsuit that fit him because the kid was out in the snow for hours!! If he wasn't eating the snow or trying to eat the carrot off of the snowman's nose, he was falling down on purpose and walking around hearing the crunching under his shoes. If only he would've kept those darn mittens on!! The poor kids' hands were bright red when he finally came back inside. Such a boy! Too bad the snow only lasted for a day. Maybe we'll be lucky and get some more before Spring arrives.

The Holidays were a success. We are so thankful to have such a loving and healthy family. We are truly blessed.