I started feeling mild contractions a little before 11am, but didn't think anything of it because this has been the norm since I was put on strict bedrest. I got in the shower, which usually puts the contractions to rest, and laid back down on the bed and decided to chart them. An hour later Colin stopped by to see how I was doing before heading to lunch with some coworkers and then to a meeting in NE Portland. He noticed my contraction chart and started to worry telling me I should call my doctor. I, of course, still thought nothing of this and told him "I'm fine. These contractions will probably go away like they have been, now go to lunch with your friends and I'll call you if I need to." Colin reluctantly drove away and a few seconds later I see him pull up into the driveway. A little voice told him to stay put with me and so he decided to come back. I again told him I'm fine and that he really needs to go. So, again, he drove off only to pull back into the driveway seconds later. He claimed that the restaurant was "closed" and was adamant about not going. Yah right honey, I can read right through you, but I decided his company wasn't such a bad thing and gave in. The contractions wouldn't go away so I did call my doctor and since I had an appointment at 3:20pm that day, they bumped it up to 1:20pm and told me if I thought I was in actual labor to just go to Labor and Delivery. Colin and I jump into the Tahoe around 12:30pm and threw our suitcase of packed goods in the trunk just in case. That 20 minute drive felt like 20 hours. My contractions hit me like a ton of bricks and 5 minutes into the drive I tell Colin "Don't think we're going to make it to my appointment. Head to Labor & Delivery"! Sure enough I was in true labor. I arrived being 5cm dilated and lil' miss Finley was in perfect position to arrive. They transferred me to the labor and delivery room right after I was admitted, epidural GODDESS showing up soon after, and literally an hour and a half later I was pushing. Two pushes (yes, that is not a typo), TWO PUSHES later and my gorgeous daughter was born! I remember saying "It's a girl, right?" Ah yes, not just a girl, the most beautiful baby girl I have ever seen. She has these dainty features and truly looks like a little angel. Such a pretty lil' thing. I know I'm bias, but seriously, look at her...she's gorgeous! She has that darker skin from my side of the family (YAY!), Colin's lips (Double YAY!), and my toes (so sorry, Fin!). I'm just hoping she ends up having stunning eyelashes just like her big brother. Even though Finley was 4 weeks early, she was 6 lbs. 5 ounces, which is a pretty good size for a preemie. So to calculate it all, my labor was only 2 and a half hours and I owe my husband a HUGE thank you for listening to that little voice and not his wife. :-) I would've given birth at home if it weren't for Colin ignoring my stubbornness.
Sweet lil' Finley. Such a petite, pretty thing. I honestly get lost in her big blue-grey (as of now) eyes. She has such a gentle and sweet soul. An AMAZING baby thus far. She can grunt like no other and the way she follows my voice with her head melts my heart. Her big brother loves her dearly and even though he is still working on the being gentle piece, he can't get enough of her and is constantly wondering what she's doing and where she is. "I wanna see her!" are Kellen's famous words. When I picked up Kellen from daycare one day with Finley in tow, Reyna, our daycare provider says to me "What a sweetheart, can we keep her?" Kellen instantly says in a stern voice "NO! You can't take her! She's mines!" So sweet and such a good bodyguard! I just hope that carries on for a long time!
I never thought it was possible to love someone as much as I love Kellen. This little boy of mine stole my heart 2 and a half years ago and I was worried I didn't have room in my heart for anyone else. Boy was I wrong! The instant I saw Finley's pretty little face, I was smitten. This is what being a mother is all about. Having an overwhelming, unconditional love for two human beings is a feeling only other mothers and fathers could understand. Makes me wonder why some people choose not to have children. My heart is now warmly full and I have two adorable children to thank for it. ;-)
very cute!!!
How precious, I love it!
I love your Christmas card, thank you! Finley is SO beautiful, she looks just like her Mommy! :)
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