Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hillsboro Airshow 2009

We've started a tradition at our house every summer to host a small BBQ with close friends and any family at our house and watch the Airshow above us in the sky. This year the Thunderbirds made their appearance. I cannot describe how loud these jets are. They fly right over our house and literally shake our house. It's an interesting week once they start practicing, especially during Kellen's nap time. Ugh! Luckily and amazingly he slept through the first run through and was awake before the next two. Everyone loved watching the speed and bravery in the sky!

Kellen with his earmuffs ready for the jets!
Diggin' for ice
Eva and Bella.....Kellens' friends
Lawn mower racing
Chalk in hand and ready to write!
Chef Larry Legend

Three Amigos!

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