Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Kellen's Going to be a Big Brother!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Halloween 2009
Colin and I have season tickets to the Ducks and we easily decided that we wouldn't be making it to the USC game because of Halloween and Kellen being able to actually trick or treat this year. It was a smart decision (even though it was a spectacular game!), but we know that we will never be able to get these early years of trick-or-treating back.
Kellen absolutely LOVED all the Halloween decorations our neighbors had up this year. He especially loved "Frankie" aka Frankenstein. Every day he would ask to go see the "Scary" and we'd make a loop around our corner checking out every neighbors scary display. I was impressed by the lack of fear Kellen had. He truly enjoyed seeing all these ghosts, witches, screaming zombies, etc. and would often say "more, more" every time we'd walk away. Trick-or-Treating was going to be a piece of cake! So I thought....
It all started with Larry our neighbor coming out of his house dressed in a full bodied skeleton costume that even scared me! Kellen literally started shaking! I convinced Larry to take his mask off so Kellen could see it was him and the minute he revealed his face, Kellen said in a relieved voice "Hi Laaaaary!". I think this sight set him off, because every masked costume that was remotely scary, Kellen would grab a hold of me as tightly as he could in his adorable lion costume. We didn't last long trick or treating, but it was exciting to see Kellen light up every time candy was put into his pumpkin bowl. I gave in and let him have a lollipop when we got home. It was his first piece of candy and boy did he enjoy it! :-)
21 Months of Utter Cuteness!
Kellen turned 21 months old on Friday the 13th and Colin and I sit back and are amazed at how fast the time has gone by. It is so hard to imagine Kellen was once this 7 1/2 pound newborn that was 100% dependent on us. Now he is Mr. Independent! Although these last few months have been trying with Kellen really wanting to be independent and do things when HE wants to, they have truly been fantastic months. Seeing how much he is learning and soaking in daily is truly unbelievable! This lil' boy is so bright (and I'm not just saying that because I'm a very proud momma..HA!)! He counts by himself from 1 to 10 (sometimes he'll count to 5 and then skip to "fourteem, fifteem"), he can sing his ABC's (with a wee bit of help), he can identify letters "O", "M", "A", "B", "C", and "D", he is starting to learn his colors and definitely has the color red down (maybe it'll be his favorite color??), and boy does this kid love to sing! I've taught him the song my mom and grandma used to sing to me when I was little called "Tu Tu Tu Tu Wah Wah" in Spanish. Kellen always asks me to sing him this song when he goes to bed. I honestly get teary eyed every time he starts to sing along with me. It is the most precious sound in the world! These moments will always be cherished in my heart. There is no doubt about it that Kellen is growing up fast. Every day he says or does something new. The latest is the word "yah". We'll ask him a question and he'll respond "yah"...very confidently I might add. It is hilarious! Kellen's dancing has also become quite the scene. I have never seen a toddler get so into dancing like Kellen does! It's a bit wild, but truly comical to watch. I'll have to post a video of him in action soon. We are just over the moon with this lil' man. He has been such a joy to watch grow up. I can't believe his 2nd birthday is a mere 3 months away!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Pumpkin Patch 2009
We headed over to LakeView Farms Pumpkin Patch again this year. It is definitely one of our favorites. Grandma & grandpa Fitz and Nana came along for the excitement. Kellen loved the train and the boat ride this year. It was so neat to see him soaking it all in and actually being able to really understand what was going on this year. He was a trooper for being up WAY past his nap time. Kellen even managed to find some perfect pumpkins! The weather cooperated nicely as well. Thank goodness!!!
The Morgys
Last time we visited the Morgenthalers was last November for their house warming/Kelly's birthday party. Kellen was only 9 months old, not quite walking yet, and Brennan was 16 months. We had a weekend free (finally!) in September so we decided to venture on up and make a visit. The road trip was as smooth as can be with a 19 month old. Thank heavens for The Wiggles and our DVD player in our Tahoe!!! :-) It was a much needed visit for Colin......to be able to enjoy a weekend with one of his best friend's from college. It's been hard not having them live down the block from us now. Especially now that we both have little boys that are less than a year apart. Brennan and Kellen play so well together. Kellen is surrounded by little girls back at home and it was nice for him to finally have a dude to play with! HA HA! The Werders also came over one night for dinner. They too have a sweet little boy named Pace who got along wonderfully with Kellen and Brennan as well. We're hoping one day the Morgenthalers decide to move back down to Oregon (we can wish, right?) and reunite with us. Thanks for the wonderful hospitality, Morgys!!!
Meet the Merrills
My grandma and grandpa Merrill live up in Issaquah, Washington. I have so many fond memories of them and their house growing up. I remember bragging to all my friends when I was in grade school that my grandparents had the BEST house ever and that it was a "mansion" surrounded by wilderness. Some of the fondest memories there are riding around with my grandpa on the riding lawn mower, chasing the squirrels that lived in the backyard, going on wilderness walks through the forest and discovering ball parks and all kinds of incredible hiding places, loading up in grandma and grandpa's motor home for another fun-filled road trip, sleeping in the TV room with my sister and going through a binder full of hundreds of movie titles of the movies my grandparents had, sneaking many peaks at the movies only adults were allowed to watch, Christmas' that a child could only dream of, endless snack bowls filled with candy/chips/etc., a closet full of delicious food in the basement, sliding down the stairs at full-speed on blankets....the list can go on forever. Their house and the memories made there are held and cherished deep in my heart. For the past 19 months I've been wanting to make a trip up to Issaquah to see my grandparents and for them to meet Kellen. Colin and I had the perfect opportunity when we decided to visit the Morgy's up in Anacortes, WA. We'd stop by on the way up to break up the long road trip. It was such a wonderful visit. Even though we were there for only a couple of hours, it was so nice for Kellen to finally meet his great grandparents and it felt like home when I hugged my grandma and grandpa. I did not want to leave and found myself wishing that I lived closer to them. I miss them so very much. We will definitely have to start making this trip up to their house an annual thing. I love you grandma and grandpa and can't wait to see you again!!! XOXO!!!!
Trailblazer Mania!
Colin won some suite tickets to watch the Trailblazer Fan Fest. We were excited to take Kellen to it, especially because we'd be in a suite where he'd be able to run around and not stay put for so long. Even though Kellen only lasted the first half, we still had a great time and Kellen was wowed by the cheers, lights, and "shahpball" (his way of saying "basketball) being played. I think his favorite player was Rudy Fernandez.....oh wait, that's mommy's favorite player....Whoops! ;-)
Hillsboro Airshow 2009
We've started a tradition at our house every summer to host a small BBQ with close friends and any family at our house and watch the Airshow above us in the sky. This year the Thunderbirds made their appearance. I cannot describe how loud these jets are. They fly right over our house and literally shake our house. It's an interesting week once they start practicing, especially during Kellen's nap time. Ugh! Luckily and amazingly he slept through the first run through and was awake before the next two. Everyone loved watching the speed and bravery in the sky!
Kellen with his earmuffs ready for the jets!
Bye Bye Curls!
The ringlets on the back of Kellen's head were starting to develop into the makings of a mullet. Needless to say, Colin and decided it was time to say good bye to Kellen's precious curls and head on over to Curtailed and Pigtails to get his first haircut. It was a bitter sweet experience for us. Kellen was on cloud nine sitting in his taxi cab chair, watching Elmo, eating animal crackers as his hairstylist went to town on his hair. As I was watched his curls hit the floor, I kept thinking to myself, he is not going to look the same as he did with these curls and panicked silently inside. Sure enough I was right. When all was said and done, Kellen looked months older than he did with his curls. He was no longer baby-looking, he was a little boy! It took a few days to get used to his new style, but I love the new look now! Such a grown up, handsome little man we've got! Check it out....
Before the haircut
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Papa Fitzgerald's Birthday
We headed to Grandma and Grandpa (Kellen has nicknamed him "Papa") Fitzgerald's house for Grandpa's birthday dinner. Colin and I foresee there house to be Kellen's Outdoor Oasis in a year or two. They live on acres of land, have vegetables, fruit trees and blueberries (Kellen's favorite!) growing like crazy, hills to run and roll down, deer and bunnies scurrying around, and a mini waterfall that flows into a pond that Colin made years ago. It is THE place to be when you're a kid that loves to be outside. After a delicious dinner and an even more unbelievably amazing banana cream cake, we headed outside to enjoy the scenery. Happy Birthday, Pat!!!
Kellen playing ball with Blink
Bikes and One Cute Babe!
Colin and I decided to buy bicycles for our anniversary gifts and we bought a bike trailer to haul our lil' monkey around whenever we ride. We were pretty nervous that Kellen wouldn't like this new cruisin' mobile (and rightfully so....it is SPENDY!!), but even more nervous about the enormous helmet he had to wear every time we went on a venture. Thankfully Kellen fell in love instantly! Colin and I put on our helmets first and kept saying "Look at our really COOL hats, Kellen! We are just soooo COOL! Would you like a COOL helmet to wear too???". Yup, he took the bait and we were quickly on the street ridin' in style around our neighborhood. I even decided to pick up Kellen this week from daycare on the bike and trailer and it was surprisingly exciting and a great quicky workout to boot. We stopped on our way home up an endless hill and said "Hello" to the tractors and trucks we saw (thank GOD for those tractors and trailers because mommy needed a little break from that darn hill!). Now every time we go into the garage, Kellen grabs our helmets, crawls into his bumblebee trailer and says "Ride? Ride?". Too flippin' precious!
He just HAD to take his stuffed bear with him!
Friday, September 4, 2009
The "W" Word
I truly cannot believe how fast this summer has gone by. It seems like yesterday I was cleaning up my classroom at a high speed rate so I could pick up Kellen from daycare and begin my full-time mommy life right away. Even though the summer flew by, we had such an incredible time. I was able to see Kellen blossom into such an amazing little boy. He is talking up a storm now (repeats EVERYTHING we do and say) and has really taken on singing and does it well! He is such a super active lil' boy...He definitely helped the calorie burning this summer! I'm feeling mixed emotions about school beginning on Tuesday. I am super excited to get back in the classroom and do what I love to do (not to mention get my social life, outside of babies, back), but there are several things that have become routine for Kellen and I that I am going to miss dearly. The snuggling on the couch every morning watching cartoons while we try to wake up for the day, trying to chug my morning coffee as quickly a possible while Kellen is yanking on my pant leg saying "Outside! Outside!", rocking him to sleep during nap time and hearing "Mommy?! All done!" when he wakes up, getting hosed down by Kellen as we water the plants (or mommy!) every morning, playing at the park at any time of the day just because we can, running outside on Wednesday mornings to greet the garbage truck (or as Kellen calls it, the "Poo Poo Truck"), weekly playdates with our incredibly supportive playgroup, laying in the sun getting lost in a good book while Kellen naps (hey, a momma's gotta have some "me" time, right?!), and most of all just being there for Kellen all day every day. I do have to admit though, a mommy could not ask for a more convenient job. I feel blessed to have the time off that I do to spend with Kellen. So here I go again as a working mom, hopefully this year will be better than last....
Yup, that's me in our school mascot costume. I volunteered to wear it for our all staff Back-to-School Pow-wow. Go big or go home, right??!!! HA HA!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Next Michael Phelps?!
Kellen started swim lessons 5 weeks ago at Schute Park Aquatic Center in Hillsboro. It is one of the classes where you have to go into the pool with your child and an instructor guides you through various songs and skills to work with your child. I was apprehensive for these classes to begin for a couple of reasons...one, Kellen had not been in a swimming pool since he was a young baby, and two, I'd have to put on a bathing suit and wear it out in public!! After many minutes of sucking in my stomach, watching Kellen splashing around, and kicking his feet in the water like he'd been doing it for years, all my fears and worries washed away. I figured, I really don't look THAT bad in a suit and Kellen is having the time of his life so who really cares! No one was looking at me anyways....they were all doting on the adorable babies splashing and squealing in the water (hopefully, anyways). So 5 weeks later our swim lessons come to an end. Kellen has learned to kick his feet towards objects in the water, hold his breath while being dunked under water (most of the time), and "swim" to me after being pushed under water by the instructor. On our last day of lessons we all went down this enormous water slide. I have to admit, I was a bit nervous because when you reach the bottom, people tend to be dunked under water. If I were going down alone I wouldn't mind at all, but I had my pride and joy sitting on my lap! The water slide went A LOT faster than I expected, but I managed to keep Kellen's head above water at the end. He loved that slide so much saying "Again, Again!", that we did it 3 times in a row!! He has come so far since that first day clinging for dear life to me as we made our way into the water. We'll definitely have to continue these lessons if he's going to be a contender in the Olympics in the future! ;-) Here are a few pictures and a of the class...
Singing songs in the pool
Three Beautiful Words...
Colin, Kellen, and I were driving down to the beach one Friday evening and it was towards the last hour of the trip when Kellen says loud and clear and out of no where "IIII Wuuuuuuuuv Youuuuuu!" and looked straight at me with an ear-to-ear smile! Words cannot describe the warmness that filled my heart at that moment. Tears of joy streamed down my face as Colin and I made eye contact, smiling, through the rearview mirror. Kellen and I have been practicing this heavenly phrase for a couple of weeks, but it was mostly me saying it with the obvious hand motions that go with it (you know...pointing to my eye, putting my hands over my heart, and tickling him when I say "you"), but he has never said more than "I" by himself. It will be a moment forever cherished in my heart. :-)
5 Incredible Years and Counting!
Five years ago Colin and I were standing at the alter of St. Francis, I in a Maggie Sottero dress, Colin in a handsome black tux, sweat dripping down our smiling faces, vowing to be husband and wife forever. Although it was wickedly hot that day, it was truly one of the greatest days of my life! I had everyone I cared about there to support us and I was marrying my soulmate. Yes, I truly believe in soulmates. I think those that actually do believe in soulmates (I know there are MANY skeptics out there!) are those that have found true love and find it easy to love that person. I read a quote from someone that says it all...."Love isn't finding the perfect person. It's falling in love with an imperfect person perfectly." Colin and I couldn't have found each other at a more perfect time in our lives. It was an instant attraction and connection that kept growing stronger and stronger as we got to know each other. It has been the best 5 years of my life and I'm looking forward to many, many more! I love you, Fitzy!!
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