Friday, October 17, 2008

Animal Mass

Grandma and Grandpa Fitzgerald invited us to join them for Sunday Mass which happened to be a "Bless the Animals" Mass.  Needless to say Kellen was thoroughly entertained and his squeals and laughs blended nicely with the sounds of cat meows and dog barks.  There were quite the variety of animals to be blessed:  cats, dogs, bunnies, snakes, birds, and children even brought their stuffed animals!  Now that's our kind of church!  :-)

Grandma, Daddy, Kellen and Blink

Waiting so patiently on a pew!

Kellen thinking "what on earth?"

A bird in a cage waiting to be blessed

Kellen and Granpa

Animals lining up to be blessed

The best dressed dog!

This one just loved sitting on the pews

Blink being such a patient girl!

There's no place like church!

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