Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Kellen is 6 months old!

Kellen turned 6 months old!!  We can't believe a half year has gone by!  Kellen now weighs 18 lbs 6 ounces (70th percentile) and is 27 1/4 inches long (75th percentile).  He's growing so fast we are constantly finding ourselves packing away clothes he has outgrown.  Kellen is now able to sit up on his own (with mommy and daddy close by just in case he topples over), bathes in his "big boy" bath, squeals and screeches when he's excited or wants attention, grabs EVERYTHING in sight (he came close to grabbing a little girl's ponytail in the elevator today!!), sucks on his toes, laughs hysterically at dogs, and is finally enjoying the solid food thing.  He loves bananas!  Our lil' monkey is quickly growing up...

Kellen in his big boy bath!

Kellen and his girlfriend, Bella Rose ;-)

1 comment:

The Eaton's said...

Oh yes, I love my hunky little man! BABY =)