I truly cannot believe how fast this summer has gone by. It seems like yesterday I was cleaning up my classroom at a high speed rate so I could pick up Kellen from daycare and begin my full-time mommy life right away. Even though the summer flew by, we had such an incredible time. I was able to see Kellen blossom into such an amazing little boy. He is talking up a storm now (repeats EVERYTHING we do and say) and has really taken on singing and does it well! He is such a super active lil' boy...He definitely helped the calorie burning this summer! I'm feeling mixed emotions about school beginning on Tuesday. I am super excited to get back in the classroom and do what I love to do (not to mention get my social life, outside of babies, back), but there are several things that have become routine for Kellen and I that I am going to miss dearly. The snuggling on the couch every morning watching cartoons while we try to wake up for the day, trying to chug my morning coffee as quickly a possible while Kellen is yanking on my pant leg saying "Outside! Outside!", rocking him to sleep during nap time and hearing "Mommy?! All done!" when he wakes up, getting hosed down by Kellen as we water the plants (or mommy!) every morning, playing at the park at any time of the day just because we can, running outside on Wednesday mornings to greet the garbage truck (or as Kellen calls it, the "Poo Poo Truck"), weekly playdates with our incredibly supportive playgroup, laying in the sun getting lost in a good book while Kellen naps (hey, a momma's gotta have some "me" time, right?!), and most of all just being there for Kellen all day every day. I do have to admit though, a mommy could not ask for a more convenient job. I feel blessed to have the time off that I do to spend with Kellen. So here I go again as a working mom, hopefully this year will be better than last....
Yup, that's me in our school mascot costume. I volunteered to wear it for our all staff Back-to-School Pow-wow. Go big or go home, right??!!! HA HA!!