Happy birthday, Grandpa Fitz!! We celebrated Pat's "30th" birthday out at their house in HOCKinson on Sunday. Kellen loves to visit his grandparents' house with all the animals and water features to entertain him. He even ate dinner with us at the dinner table (on mommy's lap)! We had Suzanne's delicious lasagna and mommy brought the richest chocolate cake in town for grandpa. It was a very nice visit and we look forward to celebrating grandma's birthday next month!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Janeen & Scott's Wedding
Colin's cousin Janeen got married over the weekend. She looked absolutely stunning! The groom didn't look so bad himself. ;-) Kellen found the wedding ceremony so amusing that daddy had to take him outside within 5 minutes of it starting because of his loud squeals and "Agoos". The reception was held at beautiful location in Gresham. Kellen was quite the trooper allowing his parents to dance and have fun until late in the night. It was wonderful to celebrate another wedding with the Fitzgerald family. Congratulations Janeen and Scott!!
Colin's cousin, Stephanie - Maid of Honor
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Beach Vacation
We headed off to the beach last week for some much needed family time. The timing couldn't have been more perfect, as we escaped the P-town heat wave. We were able to lounge around and really enjoy relaxing and napping (yup, Colin managed to nap too!). We were able to visit the Rogue Brewery for some tasty beverages, check out the shops of Nye Beach (where we ran into Aunt Kathy & Uncle Schiedler...small world!), kayak and picnic at Olalla Lake, and Colin was able to golf. It was a wonderful little vacation! More pictures to come...
Bath time @ Nanna's beach house
Kellen watching the bubbles float around
Nye Beach
Kellen is 6 months old!
Kellen turned 6 months old!! We can't believe a half year has gone by! Kellen now weighs 18 lbs 6 ounces (70th percentile) and is 27 1/4 inches long (75th percentile). He's growing so fast we are constantly finding ourselves packing away clothes he has outgrown. Kellen is now able to sit up on his own (with mommy and daddy close by just in case he topples over), bathes in his "big boy" bath, squeals and screeches when he's excited or wants attention, grabs EVERYTHING in sight (he came close to grabbing a little girl's ponytail in the elevator today!!), sucks on his toes, laughs hysterically at dogs, and is finally enjoying the solid food thing. He loves bananas! Our lil' monkey is quickly growing up...
Kellen in his big boy bath!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Seaside Day Trip
We headed on down to Seaside to visit with the Harris's who were in town for the week visiting from Washington. Tony Harris was Colin's roommate at Pacific for their junior and senior years. We had a great visit in Seaside even though Colin derailed one of the cars on the kiddie train he rode with Kellen! With the kids upset because the train had to stop, they were able to get the train back on the track for the final 3 laps. For the record, Colin was under the 250-pound weight limit required to get on the train. It was great being able to see Tony, his wife Stephanie and daughter Tori (who is now 18 months old and beautiful)! Hopefully we'll get to catch up with them again soon as our kids grow up!
Tony, Tori, Stephanie, Kat, Colin & Kellen

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Kellen Graduates!
Okay, so Kellen didn't exactly graduate from school or anything, but he did graduate from our Mommy & Baby Group that we've gone to since Kellen was born. It's a New Mommy's group that St. Vincent Hospital organizes to give new moms a chance to get out of the house, ask questions, and bond with other new mommy's on a weekly basis. When your baby turns 6 months (Kellen turns 6 months next week) they graduate from the group. It was a bitter sweet feeling to see him in "the hat". I'm such a proud momma...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Fitz Family Zoo Trip
Today Grandma & Grandpa Fitz, Uncle Kieran, and I took Kellen to the zoo for the first time. Thanks to Uncle Kieran, we got a wonderful personal guided tour of the zoo and learned a great deal about the animals, what coming attractions are underway, and what all those "hidden" buildings are used for. Kellen's favorite thing to see at the zoo were all the water features...go figure! It was a fantastic trip and we can't wait to return for the Zoo Lights this winter!
Mommy & Kellen

Checking out the Mtn. Goats
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Kellen's first REAL meal!
After several days of Kellen desperately trying to grab our food and drinks, we decided to give Kellen his first taste of real food today! We fed him rice cereal for the first time and most of it made it to his tummy. He seemed to enjoy the process and we're excited to see what types of foods he will like (and what will end up on the floor). :-)

Monday, August 4, 2008
Beach Weekend
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